Organizational Overview

Identify the need, Then our program is for you!

Clinical Solutions Inc. has served the Montgomery County community since 2017 and is interested in expanding services to provide services through the Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOP) program

Clinical Solutions, Inc, has a history of providing quality and comprehensive programming to the underserved populations including at risk adolescents and underserved adults. Annually, Clinical Solutions serves over hundreds of adolescent and adults through multiple programs including social and clinical mentoring, parent mentoring, therapy, educational classes, gender specific groups, and positive development.

The office hours

Monday to Friday



9:00am – 7:00pm

10:00am – 1:00pm

by appointment

Monday to Friday

10:00am – 1:00pm


9:00am – 6:00pm


by appointment

The Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) will offer a level of service delivered by mental health professionals for adults and adolescents provides for a set of specific hours per week of structured programming. There will be evidence based psychosocial interventions and education for substance use, mental health and other diagnoses. Services will include individual, family and group counseling, medication management, family therapy, and educational groups.

Clinical Solutions, Inc. believes that by providing a healthy therapeutic environment, the recovery process for those in the greatest need can be enhanced. It is the belief that through our program that advocates abstinence from all substances, except for situations of medication assisted therapy, the client could resolve psychological/emotional conflicts with appropriate therapeutic support, incorporate a 12-step spiritual philosophy into their recovery, and begin a supportive reintroduction to their family and community.

The services provided encompass a wide variety of therapeutic settings and intervention modalities

Case Management Services

Case management /services coordination provide goal oriented and individualized supports focusing on improved self-sufficiency for the clients through assessment, planning, linkages, advocacy, coordination, and monitoring activities.  Successful service coordination results in community opportunities and increased independence for the client.

Intensive Outpatient Services

The IOP program provides a wide range of clinically Clinical Solutions, Inc. believes that by providing a healthy therapeutic environment, the recovery process for those in the greatest need can be enhanced.  It is the belief that through our program that advocates abstinence from all substances, except for situations of medication assisted therapy, the client could resolve psychological/emotional conflicts with appropriate therapeutic support, incorporate a 12-step spiritual philosophy into their recovery, and begin a supportive reintroduction to their family and community. 

Services are provided in a structured environment for a minimum of nine hours of counseling per week. Client and family receive education and information regarding symptoms, effects, and treatment of mental illness, medications, substance abuse, co-dependency and its effect on substance abuse treatment, the implementation of self-care rehabilitation (including, but not limited to, Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Narcotics Anonymous, Nar-Anon, Alateen) and community agencies/resources available during treatment services. Psychiatric services will be provided for those clients who have been diagnosed with co-occurring disorders or are in need of psychiatric intervention and assessment.

In order to develop a comprehensive treatment plan, it is important that the assessment provides significant information. Clincial Solutions, Inc. staff shall complete, within three visits of Admission a drug screen, and a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment of all clients.

The following are the basic principles which guide programming

Discharge planning begins the day the client walks in the door. The criteria for client discharge include:

Organizational Vision

As an organization, our staff are purposed to address the social, environmental, developmental, and psychological challenges that interfere with an individual’s ability to live happy self-actualized authentic lives. We accomplish this purpose by utilizing client-centered empirically based techniques that bridge the gap between research and practice and promote measurable advancement in the entire human condition.